How do you INSPIRE?

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INSPIRATION. A word that is both powerful and intimidating yet so needed and desired by all.

How does one become inspired and how can one inspire others? Inspiration comes to some more naturally than others and I bet there are countless reasons behind that. Oh! You think I have the answer? No, sorry! I am still searching for that. If you happened to have some insight, please make sure to comment.

Have you ever wondered, what the difference is between inspiration and motivation? I didn’t. I guess now I do. In case you are wondering, let’s start with the definition.

in·spi·ra·tion (pronounced – inspəˈrāSH(ə)n). Noun: inspiration.
–       The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative; be a guiding light to others. Other synonyms: encouragement, influence, vision, insight, innovation, example, catalyst, impulse.

in·spire (pronounced – inˈspī(ə)r). Verb: inspire.
–       To fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something; to arouse, spark, energize an idea or action. Create a feeling; especially a positive one. Other synonyms: stimulate, motivate, galvanize, influence, electrify, trigger, produce, bring to surface.

mo·ti·va·tion (pronounced – mōdəˈvāSH(ə)n). Noun: motivation.
–       The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way; the general desire or willingness of someone to do something. Other synonyms: incentive, stimulation, reason, enthusiasm, drive, ambition, determination, initiative.

mo·ti·vate (pronounced – mōdəˌvāt). Verb: motivate.
–       Provide someone with something (a motive) for doing something. Stimulate someone’s interest in or enthusiasm for doing something. Other synonyms: drive, push, propel, excite, incentivize.

I’m sure you’ve noticed, I did not list inspiration and motivation as each other’s synonyms (which they are). I see the difference between the two, I wonder if you are seeing the same thing. Inspiration and the act to inspire are strictly done out of goodwill; there is no immediate prize for inspiring someone or something. Whereas motivation and to motivate one, seems to tie a reward at the end of the action. Don’t get me wrong, one can earn a reward by starting something simply because they were inspired; however, motivation has a reward tied to it right from the start.

I always say you should learn something new every day – so if you are here, reading my post – BOOM! This is your lesson of the day! Ha ha!

Kidding aside, we all experience days where we just don’t want to get out of bed and simply want to do nothing. We might finally get up to use the washroom and glace in the mirror in hopes something will trigger a desire for us to get dressed and face the world. Let’s not confuse this with depression. I am talking about a day here and there, where you need a ‘mental health day’ or are simply feeling overworked and overwhelmed.

We are all motivated by something more often than we are inspired. You either go to school and are motivated by making good grades or your work and are motivated by receiving that paycheck. Where should we seek inspiration? Everywhere! Inspiration comes from acknowledging everything and everyone around you and trying to see things in different ways. One might be inspired by music or art, someone else by nature… I think gratitude has a lot to do with it. If you take in all the ‘small’ things, you never know – they just might turn out to be ‘large’ or ‘huge’ initiatives in the future.

When you find inspiration – Don’t forget to share with others.

iMIND – Do you?