Learn something new EVERYDAY…

  Photo Credit: Canva-iMINDeveryday.com

This is only my second post but I have already found so many benefits that come with blogging…

If you are wondering what they are; here you go:

1) You learn what your shortcomings are REALLY FAST! Mine: CONSISTENCY or the lack of… lol!
• My plan was to post on a weekly basis and although I have plenty to write about, life gets in the way! I love that we are a busy family with great careers but celebrating someone or something every weekend has left me with little time to sort through my thoughts. The last thing I’ll do is to force post something just to do it but I promise to try to be more consistent. It’s a great exercise for me.

2) It is very therapeutic. I have about 1 million ideas per minute so writing them down is awesome.
• For those that know me personally, I am an action oriented individual and an optimist. If you share your concerns or doubts with me, I am sure I can turn them around to actionable and very attainable goals/tasks. Sometimes, it is much harder for me to do the same for my own challenges but I tend to talk them out and ultimately find a solution. Since having my babies, I’ve realized my memory is not what it once was… so writing down my ideas allows me to slow down a bit, think them through, sort out the crazy ones and focus on what matters.

3) Growth.
• Yep! In the last couple of weeks, my mind has grown and so has my heart. I have been ‘giving back’ but haven’t found the right outlet and balance that left me with feeling like I am truly making a difference. Let me explain because this is confusing. I am involved with many amazing organizations and have definitely been part of countless outreach but I always feel like it’s not enough and there is so much more that can be done. Now that I have had some time to think about my mission here; I’ve come to realize that my gift is to get others out of their comfort zone (in the most gentle way, of course). Through my ridiculously crazy optimistic mindset and persistence, I push people to try new things, see things in a different light and give their ideas and desires another chance. I live my life with NO REGRETS! I always say that you did the best you could with what you had at that time. You can’t go back and change it so learn from life and do it differently in the future.

iMIND – Do you?

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