I’m New Here…

Photo Credit: Canva-iMINDeveryday.com
I’m New Here… and so new to this blogging thing. I am curious to see how this turns out since I am learning the processes as I go along. Thanks for your patience!

You are probably wondering why I decided to start iMINDeveryday.com and what it means… well me too!! Ha Ha! Just kidding!

For quite some time now, I have been asked by my friends, coworkers, family and just random people I meet why I am so positive and optimistic all the time. People often refer to me as encouraging, motivating, inspiring and see me as a problem solver. I don’t care to be in the spotlight and toot my own horn; let me rephrase that – I love the spotlight but when I have a chance to honor someone, highlight their strengths and accomplishments, etc., hence the reason for this blog. I am constantly surrounded by amazing individuals that allow me to learn from them (directly or indirectly) so I want to share my knowledge with you. I have a gift of seeing the positive in everything and everyone (not always in me but I am working on it). My claim to fame is my smile. I always smile! Hopefully, I’ll make you smile too.

I hope to connect with people that need a little boost from time to time to be the best version of them self. The reason for this site is simple – I want to encourage each and every one of you to better yourself and your community by looking at yourself in the mirror and realizing that each movement starts with you. As much as I believe in team spirit; unless you commit to the cause 100% and take full accountability for your actions – there is no sense in creating a team that will function at less than 100%.

iMINDeveryday is a movement that will shape you and allow you to contribute to your community by being a Mentor, an Inspiration, Network with others and Develop your strengths as well as the strengths of others, as you cross their path. If we can all follow these simple actions everyday – this world will be a much better place. iMIND – Do you?


See you soon.


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